To Build An Email List Do One Thing At A Time

“The quickest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.” – Christopher Westra

Most people believe that the best way to get things done is when they multitask, working on many different things all at once.  What people don’t know is that when you try to juggle too many tasks at the same time on your own, you will inevitably end up feeling not just overwhelmed but eventually burnt out before your tasks are completed. This is counterproductive and wouldn’t do your business any good at all.

However, when you plan and you focus on working on just one thing at a time, you will find that you become more effective, being able to think deeper and more creatively with what you are doing.  This will result in much better quality of work and a good finished product.

If we are to use the world renowned Starbucks as a simple example for us to look at: Starbucks started by offering just the one product, that is coffee. The concentrated and perfected their effort on providing just coffee as their only product offer. Ultimately Starbucks then grew an entire business empire from just this one product – coffee. All their efforts were centered on the provision of coffee.

If you want to start growing an email list that is full of targeted responsive subscribers, you need to be focusing your efforts on doing just one thing: that is on building your email list. If you are to invest your time and energy into growing your email list, you will be better able to convert those same subscribers on your list into your best loyal paying customers, and you are in a position to build long term fruitful relationships with these customers. You may not have otherwise had the opportunity to have meet these people outside of your list.

Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize

Now, before you go and start to spend your time and hard earned resources on the latest trending marketing tactics, my recommendation is for you to focus on growing your email subscriber list as one of your top business priority. It doesn’t matter if you are starting a new business from scratch or you are planning on growing your current business, a high-quality and relevant email list is what will help you to achieve your goals not only much more easily but quicker in time scales.

As I previously mentioned, the best way that you can build an email list is to focus on doing one thing at a time, giving your undivided attention to doing that one thing well.

We know that in any business there is a lot of high priority tasks that are waiting for you to do, and building a list might seem like it’s an impossible task. The great thing with email marketing is that you can put automated systems into place which will help you with managing your time as you attract potential clients into your business through your email funnel on a consistent basis.

Get The Results You Are Looking For

You can’t expect your business to grow if you aren’t taking advantage of this one effective marketing strategy. You need to think strategically about where you want your business to go and have a clearly thought out plan for that.

You need to start by identifying who your ideal customer is – who are you targeting with your products or services. Then create a hard to resist enticing offer that you give away for free. Yes, that’s right, give away that offer for free.  Use the free offer to attract people to subscribe to and join your email list. As you build a relationship with subscribers on your list, you seize this opportunity to market directly to potential customers on that email list.  This is how you create and grow your email list. This is a one proven surefire way for you to grow your business – the money is indeed in the email list.

The Best Thing About Doing One Thing At A Time

As you start to focus solely on growing your email list, you are then putting processes into place that will over time, bring in massive results for your business.

Email marketing has been proven to work time and time again, so you need to invest time that’s needed for you to build a solid email list. Creating your first series of emails, doesn’t take a lot of time. The actual beauty of email marketing is that it takes the same amount of time to create and send one email as it does to send 500 emails.

By automating this process, you save yourself much time, you are able to reach a larger target audience, and build long term solid relationships with those on your subscriber list who are your potential customers.

How are you going to make growing your email list a priority?

You must avoid getting yourself caught up in trying to multitask, doing too many things all at once, concentrate solely on doing one thing, on building your email list. This is the best way that you can build an email list.

Email marketing is a great way for you to stand out to your audience when especially when you are starting a business, or trying to grow an existing one. Your list of subscribers are eagerly waiting to receive your emails, and over time they will begin to perceive you as an expert in your chosen field. You must put in time and energy into growing your email list, and you will see how it will reap endless benefits for your business.

If you are ready to learn how to grow your email list, check out Ultimate List Building course


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