Tips on Self-Motivation

This article will cover a few tips on self-motivation.

So, you’ve finally done it – you’ve started the home business that you always wanted to start. Congratulations! That in itself is a massive indicator of a desire to succeed. Now, it’s time to stay on course, keep trudging along in your business…granted, there will be low moments in business, but the following tips on self-motivation will help you along the way. When the going gets tough, the tough get motivated!

Have you ever wondered how highly successful people stay motivated? How do they keep climbing that sometimes elusive hill to success? Well, they have some tips on self-motivation which I will share with you today. If you study these tips, and determine within yourself to attain these qualities, you will become an unstoppable force!

1. Purpose

This tip seems almost laughable as one of the tips on self-motivation, after all, you start a business with purpose – to make money, right? Yes, you are partly right. However, having purpose is far more than just your business purpose, it includes your own purpose as a person. Are you able to understand and tap into the bigger picture? How does your work fit into the whole? When you have a greater purpose than just making money and when you start dabbling in wanting to see someone else’s life improved – you have a purpose. In other words, purpose is doing something which is far greater than yourself. When this is your purpose, and it may differ depending on the person, you are motivated by the fact that if you continue, you are somehow doing your part in helping the universe and your work becomes meaningful. When we started this business, our main purpose that we agreed on is to help other home business owners overcome barriers to success. This keeps us motivated each day because we know that somewhere out there, someone will be helped by a tip or a training programme we provide on this website.

2. Optimism

I included optimism as one of the tips on self-motivation because, if you have a positive vision of what you could look like in the future, where you see your business in five years’ time, what you would have accomplished in ten years, you are able to gain energy to work towards this. Self- motivated people are optimistic and they envision a happy outcome for what they have started. They are hopeful and confident that the business they have embarked on will be a success and will be a legacy for their children’s children.

3. Self-Esteem

We can agree on the fact that it can be difficult to do something, especially if you don’t believe that you can do it. That is why self-esteem has made it to my tips on self-motivation. As a self-motivated person, or person on the self-motivation journey, it is essential to know your strengths and to believe in yourself. Your customers will believe in your business if you believe in it yourself. You need to believe in your abilities and be confident in your self-worth, for you to succeed. All is not lost if you feel this self-esteem notion is a foreign one for you – seek help from close relations and ask what they see in you, affirm yourself every single day and gradually your self-esteem levels will rise.

4. Bravery

Starting and running a home business can be scary. So many different thoughts may filter through your mind. Am I in the right business, will I get clients, is this worth it? These are some self-doubt questions that might crop up. Self- motivated people love taking on new challenges and they don’t shy away from planned and calculated risks. If you have already started your home business, you are brave! You can do this. This is one of the tips on self-motivation that I had to work on when we started this business. I had to climb out of the pit of the ‘fear of making mistakes’, the ‘fear of letting my family down’, the ‘fear of fear’! I’m happy to say, I now belong to the hall of bravery – as an entrepreneur. Remember in a previous article we said that there are 582 million entrepreneurs? Well, starting a business qualifies you to be counted in that number, and my definition of an entrepreneur is ‘A very brave soul’.

5. Persistence and Perspective

People who are self-motivated fight through challenges, they don’t give up when the business environment gets challenging. They gird themselves and learn how to persist and sort through different business concerns. Having perspective has made it to the tips on self-motivation because if you lack perspective and get startled by every little issue, this can pull you away from the track and can destroy your self-motivation. Know how to deal with different types of problems. If it’s a big problem, this will require a big reaction or business response; if it’s a small problem, don’t give it too much of your attention.

6. Celebration

The last of the tips on self-motivation I will share today is on celebrating your achievement, no matter how small. A key to motivating yourself is to reward yourself for every small win. Track all your achievements and use this to increase your motivation and pride in your business. Believe it or not, our brains have a reward circuitry and any accomplishment enables us to release some chemicals that energise us and give us a ‘feel-good-aura’. When these chemicals are released, they help to spur us on to achieve even more in order to get the same feeling. In a business, this is especially essential because so many things may come along your way to try to destroy your self-esteem, bravery, persistence, optimism and purpose. To counteract this, the small celebrations you track will help to pick you up without fail each time you slip and fall. Don’t feel guilty about celebrating yourself! Enjoy every moment of your success, appreciate your hard work, celebrate it and move on to the next challenge.

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