Top Ways To Make Money Online

When it comes to making money online you’ve got to agree that there is no shortage of ideas. You can certainly set yourself up to make money online.  Making money online takes dedication, motivation and commitment. There are no shortcuts and no magic systems. You will not get rich overnight, and the highly over hyped phrase, “make money while you sleep” is not as simple as it sounds, because you have to put in the work to get to that passive income that the phrase refers to. Are YOU ready to jump on board?

If you say “yes” consider the following top ways to make money online and opt for what you enjoy setting the foundation for your business.

Opportunity # 1 Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing is an online business that is based on a performance model where affiliates earn commissions by promoting various products and services from online merchants and product developers.  Products can either be digital or physical.

Affiliate marketing offers the opportunity to earn money without needing to develop your own service or product. In affiliate marketing, you get to earn money from promoting products from a merchant or an established business.

Affiliates get paid a set amount, as prescribed by the affiliate program, whenever traffic they send to a merchant site makes a purchase.

This is a business model with low start up costs, and can be a very lucrative business that offers the potential for unlimited revenue and growth .

Methods Of Affiliate Marketing

•          Building an affiliate website

•          Blogging

•          Email marketing

•          Article marketing

•          Forum marketing

For example, if you are promoting beauty products, you can build a website based on makeup tips that will offer content to site visitors around that niche. Various related products can be promoted on the site and whenever someone buys with your affiliate link you earn a commission.

The majority of online merchants and businesses have an affiliate program because affiliates bring in quite a bit of sales through their promotion efforts. With the proper knowledge and experience the earning potential is unlimited and there are affiliates who are making thousands of dollars per month.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is you can get started with very little upfront investment. All you need is a domain name, which, will cost you about $15 or less and website hosting that costs about $9.95 per month or less.

It is important to learn how to implement this business model correctly and not fall for false claims and hype that is sometimes propagated online. Basically, if it’s sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

Seeking out reputable information and also joining popular online marketing forums, such as, the Warrior Forum, Webmaster World and 5 Star Affiliate Marketing forums, and asking questions is a good way to start.

There are many affiliate networks on the web that house multiple merchants and some merchants offer in house programs as well.

Popular Affiliate Programs/Networks:

•             ShareASale

•             Commission Junction

•             LinkShare

•             Amazon

•             eBay

•             Clickbank

•             JVZoo

•             PayDotCom

So, whether you are just getting started or have some experience, you can learn how to build a successful online business in 4 Easy Steps!

Get FREE training inside the Wealthy Affiliate business platform PLUS you get to claim a free website. No payment required!



Opportunity # 2 Blogging

Ever heard of John Chow? Well he is one of the most successful bloggers in the world making well over $30,000 a month from his blog. More and more people are starting to jump on the blogging bandwagon as it too has a very low start up investment.

Just like with affiliate marketing, all you need is a domain name and hosting. Once you have your hosting you can have your blog set up in a matter of minutes with just a few clicks by using the popular and free WordPress platform.

The key to being successful with a blog is updating it on a regular basis and connecting with your audience. That’s why it is so important you start a blog on a topic you are actually interested in, otherwise you won’t have the desire or interest to keep it up. John Chow started his blog about his journey to make money online and it blossomed into one of the most popular blogs on the entire Internet.

In the blogging model a connection is made with the reading audience and subscriber base and when useful and highly valuable information is provided subscribers keep coming back for more. This also instills a deep trust into the expertise of the blogger, which, can increase the blog’s earning potential quite a bit.

Blog Monetization Options:

•  CPC Ads: This is one of the most popular methods where relevant ads are placed on a site and publishers get paid for every click their site visitors make. Google Adsense and Chitika are two of the most well-known examples of such ad networks. High traffic sites can make substantial earnings with CPC, for example, The Huffington Post earns about $2,330,000 every month through this type of advertising.

•             Affiliate Sales: Bloggers can promote various products and services related to their niche and earn affiliate income.

•             Selling Ad Space: Another method to earn money with a popular blog is by selling ad space to advertisers.

Mashable generates $560,000 per month from banner advertising.

 Opportunity # 3 Information Product Creation


If you really want to make a fortune online this can be one of the most lucrative methods. Creating your own information products can open so many doors.

Well-made information products are very popular online, and sites like Udemy, which, is a marketplace for such products is just one example, where many are making a killing by selling high quality information products.

Clickbank is another well-known digital marketplace where popular information products sell and sell really well.

Does it take time? Yes!

Will it be easy? No!

However, the end result you will find, will be well worth it. Just imagine creating your own information product you can sell for $27 or more. If you sold just 50 copies a week you would be bringing in $1,350 a week. That’s over $5,000 a month.

That type of money can completely change your life and it’s the type of money you can continue to make on complete autopilot.

And, of course when you recruit affiliates to start selling for you the earning potential can really skyrocket. The money you can make with your own information products is truly unlimited.

Tips To Create Information Products

Research – Do extensive research in various marketplaces to ascertain what products are selling and what the top niches are. This type of information is essential to understand the trends and demands in the various markets that are available. Typically, fitness, weight loss, relationships and business are evergreen niches and if you can come up with something unique, and valuable you can out do your competitors.

Understand Your Target Audience – A big part of research is understanding the audience you will target, consider:

•             Who they are

•             What problems do they have and are looking to solve

•             What they want

•             What do they need

Great Content – Successful products are loaded with much great content, if it’s not useful or badly written the negative reviews will quickly destroy the potential to earn. It is critical to compile a product that will impress your target audience, and brand you as an expert in the respective niche.

Outsource – If you are not a good writer then you can outsource to a ghostwriter on the many online freelance sites.

Figure Out Costs And ROI – It is important to stick to a budget and also investigate the potential earnings of the product you wish to create. Predicting ROI (return on investment) is important as you can quickly spend way more than you will earn.

Engage Affiliates and Joint Venture Partners – Affiliates and joint venture partners are your best asset for sales, they have lists of subscribers in various target markets that they can email your offer to and this can result in hundreds, even, thousands of sales.

Learn what you need to know – There are many great detailed online guides to creating successful information products. Do the research, learn all that you can.

Learn From Mistakes – When you launch your first product you are bound to make mistakes, that is part of the process, but, learn from them. Take notes and make sure to tweak and fix those mistakes for the next one.

Top Information Product Marketplaces




•             Amazon Kindle Store –


•             Niche related web forums

Opportunity # 4 Sell eBooks

eBooks are a multi-million per year market and there is plenty of demand for eBooks on all types of subjects. With the advent and recent explosion in the book reader market, like the Barnes and Noble Nook and Amazon Kindle that are selling like hotcakes, eBooks have seen an influx of sales like never before.

In fact, Amazon sells more digital books than printed ones and Kindle book sales averaged 1 million per week in 2013.

Self-publishing has grown tremendously in the last couple of years, and ¼ of the top 100 bestselling Kindle books on Amazon in 2012 came not from publishing houses, but, from self-publishers.

The publishing house Random House reports that 20% of their revenues come from digital books.

Steps To Creating An eBook


Research is of utmost importance when it comes to creating an eBook that will make real money. And, while it may not fall in line with your interests, niche selection, at least, when it comes to informational non-fiction books should always be in line with market demands. This will facilitate the highest earning potential.

Spend a few hours at the Amazon Kindle marketplace.

Check out the top sellers and pay attention to:

•             User reviews, number of reviews and average ratings.

•             Is there a correlation between rating and current ranking?

•             What niches are at the top?

•             Read book descriptions.

•             Read Editorial reviews from Amazon.

•             See what books are it the top 10 for both fiction and nonfiction.

•             What genres stand out?

•             Note the average price of Kindle bestsellers.

•             What cover designs are used?

Writing The eBook

Title: It is important to consider the title carefully. The cover and title provide the first impression and are essential in engaging buyers. Go back to the best seller list on Amazon again and check out the titles carefully.

Content: It is important to consider the content carefully. Is it unique? Does it bring something fresh and new to the table to distinguish it against the competition? What value does it bring? Is it interesting? Useful? Captivating?

Outline: Make sure to create a very detailed outline, from the introduction to the last paragraph. Look to other books for inspiration, and the best organizational methods.

Hire a ghostwriter if you are not comfortable with writing, but, make sure to do all the required research to facilitate the highest ROI (return on investment).

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