Time Management Secrets for the Online Business Owner


At the end of the day, do you often find yourself wondering what tasks you achieved in the day?If this happens to you constantly, you are not alone! All online business owners fight this time battle each day. The question is, what are the time management secrets for the online business owner?

This article will cover a few tips for those who want to venture into an online business. Wouldn’t it be amazing to finish off the day with the awesome feeling of accomplishing all you have set to do?

Most of the time, we may feel that the hours in a day are not enough. The truth is that we have all the time that we need, we need to establish time management secrets for our online businesses which launch us into productivity. To do this, it’s important to analyse and remove any non-essential tasks that overburden us and get in the way of the important tasks paramount to business success.

Do you want to get off the treadmill which is going nowhere no matter how hard you push yourself? If so, let’s share the time management secrets for the online business owner!

Instead of trying to hunt for extra time, while unbeknownst to you, precious seconds and minutes are being wasted, try to manage the time that’s already available to you. I’m about to share 3 simple strategies that you can apply to all of your work – every day, every week, and every month.

1. Prioritise

When you learn to properly prioritise, this is the way you can boost your productivity by a large margin. Knowing how to make a “to-do” list is great, but it is not enough. Try to figure out which tasks are important and which can be put aside for a while.

The first step is to make a list of everything you have to do today. We will get to prioritising, don’t fret…just write everything you need to do.

Done? Great! How many things have you listed? If you find that you have seven or eight items, you have to trim your list. Remove any tasks that you do every day for example checking your email and any phone calls that you are expecting.

Now, what is that one thing that you simply have to do in that day, the one thing you feel if you just do that you can be done for the day? Once you have figured this out, put it at the top of your list. Look back at your other tasks and keep repeating until you have a list of all the things you want to do in order of importance.

Using prioritising as one of the time management secrets for the online business owner will help you not get bogged down by tasks that are unnecessary for the success of your business. Assess the direct result that each task will have on your business and go for your high-impact tasks as your first priority.

2. Plan

The next time management secret for the online business owner is to plan how you will attack your tasks in the most efficient and effective way.

Plan a “box to” time for each of your tasks to ensure that it does not consume your whole day – no matter how much of a priority it is. However, you need to look at time as a flexible resource that can be expanded or contracted within the 24-hour constraint. If the first prioritised task eats up more time than planned for, you can decide whether to expand the time limit or to finish it off the next day.

Another way to plan is to find your natural rhythm. This means that you have to find a time that you work at your best on your tasks, on problem solving and on communicating with others. This might be a time you are at your peak for dealing with customers and queries. Discover this time and schedule to do your high impact tasks at this time – it is your optimal time of day.

No matter how much of a great task planner you are, some tasks take longer than you thought because of interruptions or problems that you hadn’t anticipated. These might be unexpected issues you need to deal with immediately. A great tip to surviving and expecting the unexpected is to pad your to-do list schedule with extra time blocks so that you are not derailed completely.

3. Produce

We cannot underestimate how the time management secrets for the online business owner is essential to your business success! After prioritising and planning, it is now time to execute your plans and produce pleasing results.

You should have a calendar with your daily tasks as well as time blocks scheduled. Go through and take care of each task.

As you go through each day and take care of your to do list, various things may trip you up or distract you from your priorities. Here are some best practices to keep you on track: watch the clock, take the ‘is this necessary’ test, see it through, prevent distractions, don’t be a perfectionist, make use of waiting time, and finally, look for shortcuts.


With a systematic approach, you will be able to use these time management secrets for the online business owner not only for online businesses but for anything you want to achieve. Be that business owner that gets everything you need done with time to spare. No more feeling that time is slipping away and you’re stuck at the same level, getting nowhere in your business.

“Never leave until tomorrow which you can do today” Benjamin Franklin

That said about time management – are you someone who is currently looking to venture into an online business?  If you want to learn the 4-steps to building and running a successful online business, here is a recommendation you might want to check out.  You can click on the link below:

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Here’s To your success!

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