How to Be More Confident in Yourself

Oozing with confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone, but, some people just seem to know how to be confident in any given situation. Let’s face it, if you fall on the bottom end of the confidence spectrum, learning how to be more confident can seem like a daunting task. This article will give you some pointers in how to be more confident in yourself.

Be inspired to have courage to pursue your dreams. Invest in yourself and learn the tips of how to be more confident in yourself. There is a saying says “Confidence comes naturally with success. But success comes only to those who are confident.” Consider the few hints listed below to help you on your way to a more confident version of yourself!

a. Think yourself confident

When it comes to building confidence, I am sure we can agree that all of us can do with a little help once in a while. Let’s start with the mindset – feeling confident starts from how you perceive yourself in your mind and how you feel about yourself. When you have the feeling or mindset that you can achieve anything you set your mind to do, that is the beginning of confidence.

When you are able to tap into your talents and gifts and determine within yourself that you can accomplish your dreams, this is confidence. Perfecting entrepreneurial skills is part of a process you should be willing to go through as an entrepreneur, the more we walk the journey, the more we gain confidence and the greater the things we can do. Ultimately you start thinking like and become a winner.

In order to understand how to be more confident in yourself, we need to delve a little deeper into the mind and the way it works. There is a part of your mind that can work wonders in changing your life. It’s your subconscious mind.

The remarkable thing about this part of your mind is that it doesn’t know the difference between something that you’ve imagined and something real. If you spend time vividly imagining a goal, a hope or a dream, the subconscious accepts that the goal, hope or dream you are envisioning is yours. Your mind becomes your partner in helping you make your dream or vision a reality.

b. Write it down

The subconscious also doesn’t know the difference between something you write that is only a dream or a reality. So write things in the present tense. Get in the habit of seeing things from the end. What I will suggest in the next paragraph might seem ludicrous at first, but, give it a try, it will form part of the solution of how to be more confident in yourself.

To start the whole process, see yourself as someone who knows how to be confident in any situation. See the end picture of your dream, write down where you see yourself. If you want to build a 7 figure business, write down a story detailing what a great entrepreneur you are. Picture your empire, your employees, and the success! Describe in as much detail how you are feeling about your business and concentrate only on how confident you look and feel about your success.

c. Cut and Paste

In our journey to discovering how to be more confident in yourself, we need to take a trip into the world of craft. Many have at some point made or attempted to create a collage – this is a collection of different pictures which are meaningful to the collector.

In this activity, your mission is to find and cut out pictures that represent the desired outcome. You might want to find pictures of people that are engaged in activities that you want to do, people who are trend setters and who inspire you in your chosen arena. They know how to be confident in this situation and look like they are having a good time – that’s what we want you to tap into.

Be careful not to just pick photos that you think will do. Be picky. Remember, you are the leader of your own life. Make sure you take your time to choose pictures that have a clear meaning to you. Try to avoid pictures that might seem too unachievable and that make you feel uncomfortable. This is about how to be more confident in yourself, not about draining you of any confidence you already have.

Likewise, you wouldn’t want to choose something that is too far fetched to believable. Although we mentioned that the subconscious mind might not know which is a dream and which is reality, if it is something that you don’t believe yourself, your subconscious won’t believe it either…don’t try to trick it.

d. Time to take action – the steps

There might be many opportunities in your area to upskill yourself. So take advantage of these as a major tip on how to become more confident in yourself. If for example speaking in public is not your thing, try to learn by joining a group or a class to learn and practise this skill that will be valuable for your business. When you act towards your goal, no matter how small the step you take, it takes you closer to your ultimate goal. It’s your life and you are becoming a more confident you, so enjoy the ride!

e. Stay away from negativity

Negative people are all around us, that is a sad but real fact of life. Most often, it is the opinions of total strangers that breeds the most negativity as if someone who doesn’t know or understand you is able to voice a reasonably thought out opinion about you.

Accept criticism constructively, because this will be of great help to you, but steer the conversation away from nonstop negative banter. Negativity will grow on you unless you take control. If you don’t draw the line on negativity, it will not help you in successfully navigating how to be more confident in yourself.

In conclusion, I hope this article has helped you take into account all the different strategies you can use to learn how to be more confident in yourself. Think yourself confident, write down the vision you have for yourself and create a collage or vision board which you can constantly refer to. Avoid negative vibes, but don’t ignore advice which makes you better. The most important part of your journey in how to be more confident in yourself is to take action.

If you are ready to take action and build a successful business, but need a step by step approach, get your own copy of the WFH self-study course.

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